Plenadoração Pederneiras

by Atos6

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Being a church is taking up the cross every day, and as we are many we live in communion, so everyone carries their own cross.We do not give up, we resist and move forward spreading the gospel.Serving, teaching and learning, so in community.Its living as a family, its being a family, understanding that we love being together and this completes us.Believe me, we wear gospel shirts to make the name of Christ known, commemorating each conversion.By the way, we have our faith grounded in the immutability of Christ Jesus.JESUS ​​IS THE REASON OF OUR JOY.WE SEEK TO BE EQUAL TO JESUS!!WE ARE COMMUNITY, WE ARE CHURCH, WE ARE FULL FAMILYResources available on the Application: News, Church Agenda, Events, Content, Projects, Live Broadcast and Teaching Module.